Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Documents required for change of address in passport in india

Copy of your online application. Self attested copy of the first two and last two pages. Self-attested copy of first and last pages of old passport. Is an address change mandatory for a passport ? Aug What are the documents required for change of address in a. Under this process, you will get a new passport. However, if new passport is required due to this change , the processing time will be the same.

Is it necessary to change the adress. Jump to What are the documents required to change address in passport ? You need to submit the following documents to change address in. What documents are required for making application for reissue of passport ? If seeking change of address in the renewed passport , please bring an address.

This printed application form, along with required documents and fee, should be. Documents Collection Time: - Monday to Friday between 4pm and 5pm. Any change requires documentation proof. Indian Diplomacy at Work.

For all information on documents required refer to Check List to be submitted . All Passport applications should be submitted at the address given below:. Embassy can call any applicant for interview, in case documents are not in order,. If there is change in address , proper address proof, such as Aadhar car Voter I House Registration,. For the return journey, they would need to contact the nearest Passport Issuing Authority to obtain a new. Apr A: No, it is not necessary to change the passport address before applying for an U. In case the services are requested on expiry of the passport no additional fee would be.

Applicants would be required to submit documents for the change. If there is any change of address , proof of address may be furnished as described on the last page of this document. For change of address : submit copy of Aadhar car PAN car . Cases where pre-police verification is required , or other complex cases, . To change the address in your passport , you have to apply for a Re-issue of . The following documents are required to be submitted: Online Passport. Re-issuance of passport will be required if there is change in any entry.

Feb If Iqama is not valid then an undertaking from Sponsor is required , stating that the. When the passport holder applied for change of address. Other details such as fees, documents required for submission with passport.

Mar a) A woman applying for change in name following marriage;. Personal Particulars form is NOT required in case of ONLINE APPLICATIONS). Also, selected two miscellaneous services - 1) change of address and 2). Below is the list of documents required to submitted at the passport. Apr An ordinary passport is valid for ten years from the date of issue.

Delivery of the serviced document would be done, preferably, to the. The address on the passport is a convenience, acting as proof of address and so the passport can (in theory, anyway) be returned . However, in those cases wherein clearance is required from other authorities, it will take. DOB while submitting the passport application:.

Change of Address in the Printed Passport. Present Address and Proof of Date of Birth, a few additional documents are required as well. Following is mandatory , if the passport has . In order to change your surname in your passport you need to apply for reissue of.

The other documents required would be a certificate from local police. To know the Embassy holidays, on which passport services will not be given, please see the Embassy. Or a new booklet is required upon changes in the basic details such as name, appearance, and or.


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