Feb If you apply online, the card will arrive by mail in approximately business days. Jan It can take up to ten working days for your credit card to arrive in the post after getting accepted. Here is everything else you need to know. How to speed up getting a. Do I have to pass a credit check to purchase a Travel Money Card ?
Discover the Travelex Money card , the safest and most convenient way to carry currency when on holiday. Oct But how does the Post Office travel card work an most importantly, is it worth getting one. Generally speaking, to get a better deal, you should consider ordering online.
Take a look at this example to see how the Post Office exchange. If you love visiting far -flung places, however, you might need a card. Our award-winning Travel Money Card can be used abroad as a prepaid travel card with no fees.
For those trips abroa take control of your money and get commission-free foreign. Tick the last box on your checklist with our great value travel insurance.
Do you still have a single currency card ? Get your travel insurance. Individual travellers would also need to carry valid ticket of travel , if required.