A trading name is the name (or names ) used by a person, partnership or company for carrying out business, which is not the same as their own name or official registered name. A business may use as many trading names as it requires, but these cannot be registered as official names of the company. A trade name, trading name , or business name is a pseudonym frequently used by companies.
A company typically uses a trade name to conduct business using a simpler name rather than using their formal and often lengthier name. It makes it possible to register a separate company name and then trade under the name you originally wanted. Mar A business name is the official name of the person or entity that owns the company. Feb Some people choose not to use their given name and change it by deed poll. You use your business . Some use a name they prefer or have become known as.
Apr A company may choose to register a business name if it wants to carry on a business using its name without the legal terms, or if it wants to use. Sturgeon Ventures LLP made an enquiry to the FCA regarding a number of other firms offering Regulatory Umbrella or Regulatory Hosting who were . Each business can use more than one trading name. For example, a web developer may use the trading name Wizard Websites when dealing with the general .